Sharing Hope in Crisis Seminar
Feb. 3, 2024

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The 'Sharing Hope in Crisis' seminar was held at CCOB on Feb. 3, 2024 - it was such a blessing for so many people! We thank God we were able to host it at CCOB enabling us to equip our church body and community in sharing God's love and hope in times of crisis and grief.
Although many came to learn how to better minister to others during difficult times, God also ministered to those who have dealt with difficult times and trauma in their own lives. We learned about different places of grief that all of us experience at one time or another and what to say and not to say during crisis situations. It also helped us better understand how God works in times like this and how to better share God's word and gift of salvation with others.
The BGEA Rapid Response Team (RRT) speakers, Josh Holland and Kevin Williams were wonderful - we could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as they spoke. Thanks to all who helped make this event run smoothly and in greeting people from other churches.

Thanking and praising God!
May He continue to use us in reaching and sharing His love with others.
NOTE: If you were unable to attend, BGEA has a free on-line on-demand version
just click here ->: Free 'Sharing Hope in Crisis' seminar online